The Ultimate Guide to Setting up and Maintaining Home Energy Storage Systems

Investing in home energy storage systems is a great way to reduce your dependence on the grid and help take vital steps towards a cleaner future. Battery storage allows households and businesses alike to store electricity that is generated throughout the day and use it during the night instead.

Installing battery storage systems provides several benefits. However, while the advantages of these systems are largely known, many energy consumers are unaware of how to set up and maintain home energy storage systems. In this guide, we will be breaking down the best ways to look after your battery systems to keep them healthy and running day and night.

How Does Battery Storage Work

Battery storage uses a chemical process to store power, enabling energy from renewable sources to be stored and released when consumers need it. They play an essential role in speeding up the replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy.

Not only are they a great option for reserving energy, but they can also help to maximise the energy produced from photovoltaic (PV) panels, allowing households to capture solar energy that would usually be sent back to the grid.

roof solar panel

How to Set up Battery Storage Systems

Before installing any form of battery storage, it is important to consider the placement of the system. Batteries should typically be stored in an area that has a regulated temperature, as extreme climates can affect the longevity of the batteries. Ideally, storage systems should be kept at temperatures of around 15¡æ.

Professional installation services should be used when installing and setting up the system, these services can take up to 2 days. While there may be a brief period requiring the power to be turned off, this should not pose any risk to the system or other appliances. During the time of installation, it is important to receive all of the necessary information and documentation, as it will be needed when making warranty or insurance claims.

Installers should also provide a system user manual when the battery system is installed. This is a perfect time to ask the installer any particular questions regarding the system to clarify any details which may be unclear.

install home battery storage

Connecting to the Grid

The supplier of the battery storage system should arrange a connection to the network on your behalf, including preparing and submitting relevant documentation required from the electricity supplier.

It is also important to be aware of the process involved and who to contact if you need to follow up on the progress to ensure that everything is completed within the required timeframe.

What Are the Safety Hazards of Battery Storage Systems?

Despite there only being a few reported incidents with battery storage systems, it is still essential to be aware of their risks.

Just like any other electrical equipment, the use of large batteries in domestic environments can represent safety hazards. From general dangers such as electrical wiring to the possible escape of non-flammable gases when charging or discharging, it is important to take the correct precautions when using these systems.

Although all batteries are put through rigorous testing to ensure that these risks are kept to a minimum, regular visual checks should be carried out on the systems to ensure that they are not imposing a hazard.

How to Maintain Battery Storage Systems

Minor maintenance and upkeep can help to keep the battery running safely and efficiently. While every system is different, most batteries require simple visual checks that should be carried out at least once a month.

The lifetime of storage systems is highly dependent on how the system is used. Poor or heavy usage can often lead to the product not living up to the expectations laid out in the manufacturer's specifications.

In order to make the most of these systems, we recommend that users reduce the amount of electricity they use throughout the evenings and rely more on backup energy overnight to help take the strain off of the battery throughout the day.

BLUETTI EP600 Whole House Energy Storage System

The BLUETTI EP600 can run electricity throughout homes daily, helping households to become less reliant on the grid and to make greener decisions.

The EP600 allows you to size its capacity to suit your needs. With just two B500 units, it can keep all your essentials running throughout all circumstances, including power outages. Helping to protect your home from blackouts, the EP600 makes a seamless transition to provide immediate backup for all of your appliances.

With a floor-standing mounting, the EP600 stacks all its units on the ground to make for a hassle-free installation. As well as being emission-free, it operates almost silently at less than 48dB, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.

house lit up at night

Power Your Home with BLUETTI

At BLUETTI, our home battery systems combine modern technology with a sleek design to make them the perfect fit for your home. By helping to make the most of renewable energy while reducing your dependence on fossil fuels and the grid, we are helping to create a cleaner, safer and sustainable future.

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