Do Solar Panels Work During a Power Outage?

The power grid is the backbone of our electricity supply, delivering crucial energy to homes and businesses worldwide. When outages occur, solar power systems are programmed to switch off, ensuring electricity does not flow back into power lines and endanger those maintaining them.

The good news for homeowners with solar energy systems is that you¡¯re not entirely defenceless against power outages. An effective solar battery backup system will successfully store self-generated power, fuelling your home and assisting people worldwide to become less dependent on their energy provider.


Why Don¡¯t My Solar Panels Work During a Power Outage?

Power outages and solar power have a complex relationship. You may assume that solar power would be the perfect solution to power outages ¨C after all, you¡¯re generating your own energy on your property - but in fact, it¡¯s not that simple.

When there¡¯s a power outage, solar power systems are designed to switch off automatically for safety reasons. This is because during power outages, power engineers may be working on the grid nearby and your active system could cause an electrocution hazard.

So, although solar power systems are incredibly reliable, they¡¯re not designed to fuel anything but themselves in the event of an outage. If you¡¯re looking for solutions to transform your energy usage during power outages, it¡¯s time to consider other options such as solar battery backup systems.

aerial view of a house with roof solar cells


How to Use Solar Panels during A Power Outage?

We know that power outages can be disruptive and stressful, but having a solar power system in place can make life a lot easier. With the right setup, you can use the power of the sun to keep your home running during a power outage, whether it¡¯s caused by bad weather or other external factors.

One way to power your home during a power outage is to install an off-grid solar power system. Off-grid systems are completely independent of the power grid, meaning they will continue to produce energy even if your electricity goes out. They consist of two main components: photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage.

If off-grid living isn¡¯t for you, but you¡¯re looking to utilise your solar panels during power outages, it¡¯s time to invest in a solar power battery backup system. With battery backup systems, you can generate clean energy and store it for later use.

Not only can you use the stored energy to power your home, but you can also benefit from saving money on electricity bills and reducing your carbon footprint.


Coping with Power Outages

When power outages occur, it can be extremely disruptive to everyday life with heating, refrigeration loss and electronics damage to consider. With that in mind, it's important to have a plan in place so that you can stay safe and comfortable until power is restored:

  1. Keep Warm

In the event of a power outage, it is crucial for individuals to stay warm in any way possible. Short term solutions include thick, layered clothing, exercise, hot water bottles and candles to protect against the worst of the cold.

  1. Invest in a Solar Generator Kit

In general terms, any device that can be powered by the sun's energy is typically referred to as a solar generator. In turn, solar generator kits are becoming increasingly popular as they provide a reliable source of power, especially during emergency situations. With solar generator kits, users can access solar energy anytime and anywhere, with no need to rely on a power grid.

Solar panels in generator kits use solar energy to charge batteries or the power station itself; as a result, they are a great option for camping trips, off-grid activities and of course, protection against power outages.

  1. Install a Solar Battery Backup System

A solar battery backup is an attractive option for those looking to power their homes off the grid. Solar batteries store energy from PV systems, allowing homeowners to use the stored energy as and when they need it.

Solar battery systems like Bluetti's EP600 & B500 are specifically designed to provide backup power during outages and can be connected to essential appliances or the entire electrical panel of your home during a blackout.

Illuminated house at night during a power outage


What is a Solar Battery Backup System?

Battery backup solutions don't immediately supply your house with electricity; instead, they keep it in storage for eventual use. Acting as an invaluable tool for power storage, solar battery backup systems offer an alternative to traditional grid-tied systems, allowing you to heat your home during power outages.

In the event of a blackout, solar battery backup systems have a relay which will automatically disconnect your electricity supply from the grid. The islanding process provides an almost seamless transition from grid power to solar backup power, so you may not even notice that there¡¯s been a power outage.

From there, all home appliances like computers, refrigerators, and televisions will continue to function using stored solar electricity without disrupting your household.


Can a Solar Battery Power My Entire Home During an Outage?

Groundbreaking technology has made it possible for solar battery backup systems to support entire homes during their time of need. Packed with the power to electrify air conditioning units, lights, TVs and garage doors during power outages, top quality solar batteries can sustain whole households during blackouts.


Bluetti¡¯s AC300 & B300 Battery Module is expandable up to 24.6kWh, providing enough power to maintain your whole family¡¯s basic needs for a number of days during emergencies and power outages.


Powering Europe

In a recent report from SolarPower Europe, it was found that by 2022, over 9 GWh of battery capacity was installed in European households, allowing them to access power at any time and store energy generated from solar sources. With the power to fuel over one million households, "Europe now hosts enough home batteries to power more than every household in Latvia."

As more than 60% of new residential solar PV systems in Germany include battery storage, it seems that the number of homes hosting solar batteries in Europe will continue to increase in forthcoming years.


Investing in Solar Battery Storage

Once you have determined how much energy your home uses, you can begin to assess what kind of solar battery backup system will be best for you. If you choose a battery that is well-suited to your home's energy consumption and solar panel output, you will find that you are completely protected against looming power outages.

Bluetti backup systems combine cutting-edge technology with energy efficiency to ensure that your home is always powered. Intelligent energy storage systems also enable you to store excess power for future use, reducing energy costs and avoiding peak times when electricity bills are highest.

From our AC200MAX Expandable Power Station to the EP500Pro, we can help you to prepare for the next power outage. With cutting-edge technology and solar innovation, our products have the power to provide unparalleled backup protection, helping you to reduce your dependence on the grid and fuel your home in the darkest hours.

Contact the specialist team at Bluetti to discover more about solar battery backup systems and receive specialist advice regarding blackout protection.

?decorative metal lantern lit by a glowing candle at night

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