2024 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is derived from natural sources and is replenished faster than it can be consumed. Unlike fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, no harmful greenhouse gasses are emitted into the atmosphere.

Clean energy comes from renewable sources that do not result in pollution entering the atmosphere when used. There are many renewable options available, including solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy.

Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is important in the progress towards ending climate change.

Which Source of Renewable Energy is The Most Plentiful?

Solar energy is the most abundant of all renewable energy sources. In fact, the rate at which solar energy is intercepted by the Earth is about 10,000 times greater than the rate at which humans consume energy making it one of the most reliable renewable resources available.

A report from SolarPower Europe revealed that the EU installed 41.4GW of solar this year - that is enough energy to power 12.4 million homes. In just one year, the use of renewable power increased by 25%.

With more people investing in solar energy, more research is being done to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using this power source. It¡¯s time to ask the question, is solar power the best option for homeowners?

renewable energy solar energy

Advantages of Solar Energy

Solar energy is a great way to lower your energy costs and carbon footprint and reduce your overall impact on the environment. The benefits of solar power are huge and can fully transform your day-to-day life.

Limits Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Installing and using your own solar panels can reduce the number of carbon emissions produced, therefore helping in the fight against global warming.

Average photovoltaic (PV) systems have a carbon footprint of between 14-73 grams of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per kilowatt-hour (kWh). This figure seems pretty large, however, it is almost harmless when compared to the 742g of CO2e per kWh that is produced when burning oil.

Many owners invest in solar panels intending to become carbon neutral. According to the European Parliament, carbon neutrality is reached when a balanced amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere and also removed from it. To achieve this, solar panel owners will need to have their panels for at least three years.

row of houses with solar panels on the roof

Reduces Dependency on The National Grid

Harvesting your own energy is the first step to living off-grid. Independence from the National Grid means that you no longer rely on the burning of fossil fuels, but instead source your energy sustainably. Being able to live off-grid is a huge leap towards a brighter, cleaner and greener planet in the future.

Saving Money on Electricity Costs

Generating your own energy can also reduce your energy bills. How much you will save depends on the size of your solar system and the amount of energy that you consume. At current rates, people are saving up to 25% on their electricity bills.

There are also opportunities to send excess energy back to the grid for a fee. This is a great opportunity for people who generate more electricity than they use.

Enhances Energy Security

Renewable energy plays an important role in supporting energy security. Fossil fuels account for over 80% of global energy production, however, renewable energy usage is increasing and now accounts for 29%.

Fossil fuels are the number one contributor to global climate change so renewable energy must continue to surge in popularity. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates that 90% of the world¡¯s electricity can come from renewable energy by 2050.

Low Maintenance Costs

Maintaining solar panels is an easy job. They only require cleaning a few times a year and you can do this yourself to save money, however, professional services are available. Be sure to keep an eye out for any debris and dirt that can fall onto your panels as this can damage the surface and reduce efficiency.

As there are no moving parts in solar panels, there is very little wear and tear. This means that after initial costs, solar panels will not cost you much money.

Increase House Value

Studies have shown that home buyers will likely pay more money for a house with solar panels. Panels are highly valued and are seen as upgrades, much like renovated kitchens or completed basements. People are willing to pay up to $15,000 more for a home with panels.

There is also evidence that homes with solar panels sell faster than those without.

Technological Developments

With solar energy becoming more popular, experts are constantly advancing and improving solar technology.

Further innovations can increase the effectiveness of solar panels and may even double the electrical input of solar power stations.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Although solar power is a brilliant new way for homeowners to source their energy, it is important to remain informed about its disadvantages too.

Not Always Readily Available

Solar panels will not be as efficient during bad weather and through the night. As they rely on sunlight, panels can slow energy production when conditions are not suitable.

Fortunately, new technology means it is easier than ever to store excess energy. Batteries are the most common method for retaining unused energy and they are becoming more affordable and efficient each year.

Here at Bluetti, we have a range of home battery systems that are perfect for storing your excess energy, ensuring that you¡¯re never left in the dark.

bluetti ep500pro

Initial Costs are High

Installation costs can often scare people away from investing in solar panels. However, if you use your panels effectively, you¡¯ll be saving money for years to come. The Energy Trust reported that installation costs average at €7310 for a three-bedroom property housing four people.

You will make your money back the quickest if you are home during the day. Your installation costs will pay themselves back in 13 years, however, this jumps to 24 years if you¡¯re only home during the evenings.

professional technicians installing solar panels

Solar Panels Need Recycling

Solar Panels help to support our environment by reducing the amount of fossil fuel we burn and the levels of carbon released into the atmosphere. However, it is important that they are disposed of correctly or they could cause serious environmental harm.

Solar panels currently have a life expectancy of about 30 years, and with many people having had their panels for years already, they need to consider their disposal.

In Europe, solar panels are referred to as e-waste in the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. This works to ensure that panels are disposed of in the correct way to contribute towards sustainable production and consumption.

The correct method for recycling your panels depends on the type you own. Silicon panels are heated in a thermal processing unit to ease up the binding between cell elements. Whilst thin-film panels are put into a shredder. For both types of panels, almost 95% of the materials are reused.


At Bluetti, we promote the growing use of clean energy and aim to make the transition to renewable energy as simple as possible. We offer a range of portable panels that let you generate your own energy, no matter where you are.

Our battery systems are affordable and long-lasting so that you can rest assured your energy will be well looked after and always ready to use.

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