What Type of Home Energy Storage System is Best For You?

Energy storage was once believed to be reserved for people aiming to live off-grid. However, with new technological developments, the potentials for home energy storage are endless. Many choose to invest in energy storage to live in a Smart Home, with new apps and websites available to track energy usage.

As storage systems remain a hot topic in discussions of renewable energy, there are many considerations to make before investing. Choosing a system that is right for you can depend on many individual factors.

What Is Energy Storage and How Does It Work?

Home energy storage solutions allow you to keep generated electricity or heat so that you can use it when you need it. With most renewable energy sources, the energy that they generate is not constant. This can leave you lacking power in times when you need it most. These systems are useful for ensuring that you are never left powerless.

As demand begins to rise, more solutions are becoming readily available to choose from. Innovations are using state-of-the-art technology to develop new and improved storage options. On the market today, systems are grouped into four main categories.

hydrogen fuel storage and solar panel

Battery Storage

Battery storage is the most common and widely accessible form of storage. Although it has been around for many years, technology is rapidly evolving and are most often partnered with solar panels. You will inevitably generate more energy than you can use so a battery allows any of this surplus energy to be stored for later use rather than being sent back to the grid.

Owning a battery is ideal for those who want to maximise their self-generated electricity but cannot adapt their household behaviours such as requiring power in daylight times only. It is also a great solution for people who want to play a proactive role in the future of clean energy and those who want to reduce their carbon footprint.

The two most common types of batteries are lead acid and lithium, both with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Lead acid batteries have been used since the 1800s. They are cheap, reliable and can be easily recycled. They do require ventilation as there have been multiple reports and risk alerts for battery fires.

New innovative batteries such as Lithium Ion have grown in popularity in recent years. These batteries have a higher density, longer lifespan and require no maintenance. The majority of new batteries on the market use lithium as they are the safest option.

Thermal Storage

One way to store surplus heat produced by a home heating system is through thermal storage vessels.?When purpose-built, these systems can take inputs from several different technologies, provided that the system has been designed and sized for them.

The full potential of thermal storage is often realised when it is used to store or manage several different heat inputs and outputs.?Unfortunately, these technologies may be limited by the need for a large storage cavern that is often underground.

Costs range from a few hundred pounds to over a thousand pounds depending on the number of inputs you want and how you plan to control them.

Some of the benefits of investing in a thermal store include:

  • Permits the management of time discrepancy between the availability and requirement of heat.
  • Enables water to be heated by a secondary heating source.
  • Enables a renewable heating system to work more efficiently
  • Decreases the dependence on costly fossil fuels for fulfilling the demand of hot water.
  • Minimal maintenance and is easy to install.

thermometer over 38 degrees heat wave

Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH)

Hydropower is the most commonly used renewable energy source in the world. It involves harnessing the power of water in motions to generate electricity. Hydro pumps store energy by pumping water upwards at a lower elevation into a higher elevation. When there is a demand for electricity, water from the higher areas is released.

Unfortunately, pump systems are very site specific as most homes do not have access to a suitable resource. If you do, it is important to contact a certified installer who can assess your site.

If there is a good hydro resource locally, try developing a community energy project to benefit the whole area.

Harnessing energy through hydropower has many benefits such as:

  • 24/7 operation?
  • Cheap heating and hot water
  • Cheaper option for off-grid homes?
  • Cut carbon footprint



Hydrogen is very much still emerging as an energy storage system. It involves the conversion of electricity via electrolysis. After this, it undergoes either re-electrification or is supplied to emerging applications such as transport.

¡®Blue¡¯ hydrogen is produced from natural gas and can not play a significant role without a greater rollout of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). Unfortunately, ¡®green¡¯ hydrogen is still being developed.

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) suggests that hydrogen can add value in areas that are less suited to electrification. It will also be vital in providing flexibility when dealing with intermittency.

Is Energy Storage Right For Me?

60% of people who have, or would consider, home storage said the reason was so that they could utilise more of the electricity that they generated. As we continue to shift towards a low-carbon future, these home storage systems will be important when discussing the future stability of the grid.

Each category of technology has applications to which it is best suited. Carefully consider the energy you use before making the commitment. When analysing cost benefits, try to factor in an expected lifetime in terms of cycling frequency before degradation. Other key issues to consider include charge, discharge profiles and the storage capacity and scalability.

electric voltage post

Invest in Home Energy Storage

Here at BLUETTI, our systems combine cutting edge technology with energy efficiency to make the most of renewable sources. Our products have the power to provide unparalleled backup protection to help reduce your reliance on the grid.

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